by tinhthuong
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On the occasion of October 20, Professor Nguyen Lan Dung gave the Capital Women newspaper an interesting small talk about the Vietnamese tea drinking culture as well as the effects of this drink on health in general. and female beauty in particular.
Professor Nguyen Lan Dung said that recently, he was interested in Vietnamese tea culture, taking time to learn and drink tea properly to protect health as well as preserve the long-standing tea drinking culture of his Vietnamese people.

Dear Professor Nguyen Lan Dung, recently you are very interested in Vietnamese Tea culture, and are not afraid to share it with those around you. As a biologist, I would like to ask you, professor, what effect does tea have in your life and scientific research?
Honestly, I didn’t know how to properly enjoy tea before. When I went to China, I found it strange when they drank tea as small as a jackfruit seed, the tea table was large and quite sophisticated. Coming to Taiwan, I see tourists racing to buy Oolong or Thiet Quan Am tea at not cheap prices. In the past, in communication, I sometimes still drink tea, but it is a diluted tea, similar to the concentration of tap water. Recently, I received the book Vietnamese Tea Culture – A Journey to Find the Self by author Ha Huy Thanh, I read the whole book, was very interested in tea drinking culture and started making tea in the right direction. guide. When I wake up in the morning, after exercising, I make a pot of tea and enjoy before starting work. Seeing the difference, a cup of tea, a piece of cake, is enough to feel refreshed, clear and to start reading and writing books is almost seen more effectively.
What is special about the book “Vietnamese Tea Culture – A journey to find the Self” that can change habits and make you so interested? Is it because it is a long-standing cultural beauty of the Vietnamese people?
– The book “Vietnamese Tea culture – A journey to find the Self” by author Ha Huy Thanh is a valuable work. You are not only because it is a luxurious work, but because the content is very rich, profound and useful. My first favorite thing is that the author has fully summarized the effects of tea on physical health and mental health of people. Few people know about 24 good effects on the body when drinking tea every day. It is indeed a herb that is a familiar drink for everyone. Tea increases longevity, anti-oxidant, reduces the risk of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, HIV infection, limiting cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anti-aging, anti-infection… Tea has a positive effect on mood. Human emotions and intelligence, help create emotional refreshment, help us have emotional satisfaction and mental balance.
In China, tea was used as a beverage and became a commercial product more than 2,000 years ago (China’s Great Encyclopedia, Agriculture section, p. 92). Tra is Chinese, while Che is transliterated into Vietnamese. Chinese scholars believe that the original tea tree dates back to 3-4 thousand years ago. Vietnam also has a long history of tea plants. There are areas with ancient tea tree forests such as Suoi Giang (Van Chan, Nghia Lo, Yen Bai). Here there is a wild tea forest of tens of thousands of trees, some trees are 6-8m high, three people can’t hold the stump. In Lang Son, there are also wild tea forests, with trees up to 18m high. This means that the tea tree has a long history in our country. It is noteworthy that the scientific name of the tea plant includes names derived from Vietnamese tea, such as Camellia tonkinensis, C.vietnamensis, and C.tamdaoensis. C. huulungensis. C. langbianensis… (Vo Van Chi, Book of Vietnamese plant names, Education Publishing House, 2007).

Tea is very good for health, Vietnamese tea drinking culture has recently been called by many scholars to preserve and promote in today’s life. However, for a long time, people have been confused about the situation of “dirty” tea due to spraying and flavoring, which affects human health. What advice do you have for a clean tea industry that we are working on?
– Tea is one of Vietnam’s export agricultural products. The quality of exported tea is always guaranteed and is highly appreciated by the tea importing countries of Vietnam. Therefore, we need to take measures to protect the quality of tea and develop this industry.
However, tea is different from green vegetables. To fight insects with green vegetables, you can grow them in net houses, grow hydroponics indoors and light them. Tea grows on large hills, so there is no way to cover it. The use of pesticides is very effective but is the enemy of export. With modern analytical techniques such as high-pressure liquid chromatography, a trace of pesticides and fungicides is still easily detected. The risk of returning exports because of pesticides is very worrying. With this in mind, my young colleagues and I are conducting research on the production and use of microbial pesticides (completely harmless) to protect tea. There are still many difficulties ahead, but we will continue to strive to carry out this much-needed research direction.
As in the book “Vietnamese tea Culture – A journey to find the Self” by Ha Huy Thanh, there are many effects of tea on health. However, women still believe that tea is for men, and women are afraid to drink tea regularly, which will affect beauty and make it difficult to sleep. From a scientist’s point of view, how does tea work with women’s health and beauty?
Tue Tinh Zen Master was a physician living in the late Tran Dynasty. He is revered by posterity as the saint of the Southern medicine industry. He wrote: Tea refreshes the soul, clears the body’s heat, drinks a bowl of ten thousand sorrows and melts away. So good, women cannot be indifferent to this magical drink. Beauty is an expression of health. If you are healthy, you will have light skin, a well-proportioned body, smooth hair, sharp eyes, and crimson lips. Tea is the panacea of youth, has a clear effect on sleep if drinking tea properly, makes the mood refreshing, so it has a good effect on the skin, the corners of the eyes, has a good effect on the stomach and metabolism. fat, limit disease, improve memory… and therefore can’t make women not interested. It is necessary to get rid of the stereotype that tea is for men, for the elderly. Drink tea every day when the mind is at its most relaxed and drink it with a feeling of self-discovery, so of course, drink it slowly, in a moderate dose.
- Thank you very much, professor!
The book “Vietnamese tea culture – a journey to find the Self” by author Ha Huy Thanh is an in-depth study of the “journey” of Vietnamese tea culture. The work brings profound knowledge about Vietnamese tea, and at the same time makes readers proud of the tea drinking culture that has existed for a long time in Vietnam, parallel with the nation’s thousands of years of history of development and ups and downs.