by tinhthuong
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Remember on the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month, all descendants make pilgrimage to the land of the Hung Kings, drink a cup of fragrant tea produced by Phu Tho to reflect on the noble origin of the Race, some of which are now only in legendary history. Burning incense in front of the tomb of the 6th Hung King in the complex of Hung Temple relics, descendants get lost in the distant world when thinking about the ancestors of the Hung Kings, Father Lac Long Quan, mother Au Co, then King Loc Tuc, father of Cua. Sung Lam (Lac Long Quan) son of King De Minh and grandson of Shen Nong. On the search for self, we were surprised to learn that the Patriarch of the Ancient Viet people was the one who discovered tea on the south bank of the Yangtze River. So that today on Hung Vuong’s ancestral land, it is always imbued with the taste of tea, the elixir that the ancestors discovered and now pass it on to their descendants as a daily drink and a cure for diseases.

Descendants of King Hung now spread all over the green and round island, traveling in the endless galaxy. But no matter where they are from the Fog of London or the burning Sahara, their children and grandchildren will always remember you, their ancestral homeland, even when they have to drink a cup of tea that has been blackened by oxidation in the western sky or drink scented tea. material in makeshift huts in the desert during his nomadic journey with the Arabs.

Participating in so many life situations, penetrating many cultural contexts, experiencing many human lives, each red-blooded child with yellow skin realizes the pure and sacred essence of the Red Son and the Red Son, and then directs them to the right direction. return to their motherland with reverence, such as respecting the peaceful and sacred realm where the soul resides. On the journey of that Consciousness, each person has a treasure so as not to get lost, not to get lost in magic, always locate the destination, which is “Vietnamese tea culture” on the journey to find the destination. essence.

13 Chapters of Ha Huy Thanh’s book “Vietnamese tea culture” goes from “Nuoc Tea to Dao Tra”; go from the tea tree to the tea cup taste; going from plants to industry, going from refreshment to enlightenment; The book talks about the cultural light of Love for those who are longing to enter the noble and sacred journey “the journey to the self”. People have taken the human body to dissect and still can’t conclude where the soul resides, the whole world uses tea as a raw material for processing but still can’t explain why there is Tao in tea.
Only those who revere tea and view tea as a master will have the opportunity to see the Tao in tea. Although there are micronutrients in tea, active ingredients in tea, healthy bacteria in tea, and nutrients that are good for the body, tea contains much more than that, which is both sediment and cultural heritage. given to posterity by our ancestors, so that we can inherit and follow in the footsteps of our ancestors’ great long journey, the main battle to go out into the world, to go out into the universe by going into the depths of a person’s consciousness. microcosm within ourselves. 13 is considered the number of the devil, but 13 chapters of the book on the journey to enlightenment of the Tea religion, it becomes the number of luck, is 13 the number of challenges, whether Buddha nature can neutralize the ghost nature? ? Can Buddha power assimilate magic or simply how good will conquer evil?
The profound implications, subtle metaphors in the book are finally concretized by the thousand-year-old ancient tea trees, historical witnesses of the Vietnamese race in the relationship with Shen Nong. Thorough and meticulous analysis to the very end paints a concept of the proud culture of Vietnam, Dao Thanh Mau. The book is a brief overview of a beautiful journey where people have physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual satisfaction.
Le Duc Anh Minh