by tinhthuong
- News
On this earth, because the South Pole and the North Pole are very cold, and all year round, human life and human achievements are reflected in culture and civilization, and take place in the East and the West.
The sun rises from the East, the origin of mankind is also from Asia. Oriental culture has a very early age and cultural roots, but with achievements in science and technology, proving civilization through development to the industrial level, until the 18th century, the concept of the industrial revolution was born. The profession introduced by the West, specifically the UK, is widespread in life.
The Wikipedia dictionary states that:
“The Industrial Revolution, also known as the First Industrial Revolution, is a revolution in the manufacturing sector; is a fundamental change in socio-economic, cultural and technical conditions, originating in England and then spreading to the whole world.[1] During this period, the simple, small-scale economy, based on manual labor, was replaced by industry and large-scale machinery manufacturing. The name “Industrial Revolution” usually refers to its first phase which took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The second phase, or Second Industrial Revolution, followed shortly thereafter. from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Its influence played out in Western Europe and North America during the 19th century and later worldwide. Steam engine model by James Watt. The development of the steam engine set off the British industrial revolution.
Opinion about the time of the First Industrial Revolution is not uniform, but generally is in the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century. The First Industrial Revolution began with the development of products. export goods of the textile industry.[2] Then, with the need to supply machinery and energy for the textile industry, iron and steel processing techniques improved and coal was used in large quantities. Expanded trade facilitated the birth of transport and railway canals. In addition, the roads have been greatly upgraded for bustling trade activities. Steam engines using coal fuel and mechanically driven machinery led to a sudden increase in labor productivity. The development of machine tools in the first two decades of the 19th century facilitated the field of machine building, serving other manufacturing industries.”
So far there have been four Industrial revolutions.
So the tea tree, the tea industry is also in this rule, subject to this rule like any other product. Each era will have a different way of preserving, harvesting, cultivating, processing and using tea.
I am writing these lines in the age of the fourth industrial revolution, which means I can: continue writing books with one right finger, with the continuous typing of thoughts on a note-taking app, iphone, look up information that is still confusing, send emails to friends for advice, order some teas you like, post on social networks the products the factory has just shipped, Share your thoughts on the Internet and find investment cooperation partners, develop the tea industry when everything is even….on the idea!
Industry means:
Industry, being a part of the economy, is the field of production of physical goods whose products are “manufactured, processed, manufactured, prepared” for consumption needs or for business activities. the next business for human life in living. This is an economic activity, large-scale production, strongly supported by advances in technology, science and engineering.”
“Another very common meaning of industry is ‘large-scale economic activity, the product (possibly intangible) of which becomes a commodity. In this sense, intensive economic activities when reaching a certain scale will become an industry or economic sector such as: computer software industry, film industry, entertainment industry, industry fashion industry, newspaper industry, etc.”
The word TEA in English is an acronym for Transporte de Ervas Aromaticas, which means Transport of Aromatics) and then abbreviated as T.E.A – a familiar name that Westerners still use to call tea until now hours.
We know that no tea plants grow in England, or Europe, but are shipped from China, India and other countries through trade. And when Britain did not trade directly with tea-producing countries, they had to buy through Dutch and Portuguese traders. Even Princess Catherine of Portugal, when she married King Charles III of England, the indispensable precious thing is tea. The letter T.E.A stands for the boxes of tea shipped to England for the Queen.
But conscious of the role of tea, the British proved particularly brilliant with the adage:
“England can be without the Queen, but it cannot be without tea”
Only then can we see that with civilization, people will know to appreciate the natural products bestowed and use it in the most worthy position.
Being transported to and having to buy at a very expensive price due to many intermediaries in commercial activities, the British know even more preciously to make tea a special feature of their culinary culture. Today, British tea brands are famous and have much higher commercial value than those of Vietnam, China or India. Today, not only the UK but also Europe loves tea, this consumption level is increasing, according to the International Tea Committee data for 2021-2013 it is 229,000 tons/year. Europe has helped the world have a new industry, the tea industry thanks to their expansion of consumption, investment in processing with modern machinery and the development of raw material areas and even caused going to war with tea exporting countries.
To understand the potential of the tea industry, we should get out of the old perceptions, the old notions, the old paradigms to see at least 5 other industries that can interact and grow together. like:
- Pottery
- Tables and chairs, furniture
- Painting
- Packaging
- Tea ecotourism
Tea and pottery:
In the folklore, there is a saying, “The clothes are worthy of virtue” – a box of delicious tea, becomes more delicious if it is contained in a beautiful and suitable ceramic box. This is an industry that creates regional characteristics, because in order to make beautiful ceramics, there must be good raw materials and skilled artisans.
There is a folk saying: “First Water, Second Tea, Third Teacup, Fourth Teapot, Fifth Tea Friends”. Two in five important elements of a good tea are the Tea pot, and the cup. Those two things are mainly made of ceramics, so developing the tea industry will inevitably develop the ceramic industry.
The ceramic industry is an industry in which Vietnam has great potential. We have famous pottery villages such as Bat Trang pottery, Chu Dau pottery, but to develop into an industry like China, Japan, India, we need to invest not only money but also thought. Culture, philosophy and the tea industry meet those factors to develop the ceramic industry.
Currently, we are wasting resources, human resources and labor productivity in all industries and are looking to blame the government’s economy and economy, or private ownership, production material. The story is like having an elephant chained for a long time in a zoo, chained years after years, it has pulled away many times but it hurts because it is pulled back by the chain, gradually it gives up the idea of getting out off the tree. Until the chain rusted over time and broke, but the elephant still did not dare to break free. It still hovered sad and feeble by the tree and the weak chain.
With information and communication technology, globalization, and recognized intellectual property, business conditions have changed a lot. The foundation for production in the knowledge-based economy, with 4.0 technology, the institution is an administrative management method and it cannot decide labor productivity and product quality. The chain that binds is our own old and outdated thinking.
So if we are not bound, how will we develop?
Having a weapon or rather a source of energy to help us overcome all prejudices, all restraints, and all false beliefs is cultural light.
Why is it that when countries develop the tea industry to a higher level, it is called the Tea Ceremony, or the culture of the Tea Ceremony, such as the Chinese Tea Ceremony, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, the Korean Tea Ceremony, etc., even though alcohol existed before it. Tea but no Wine Ceremony or Cafe Ceremony but only Tea Ceremony?
There are many misconceptions that religion is the service, the design of the tea space, the enjoyment process. That is just the surface that manifests outside, the shell. It does not reflect nature. The Way is the way. When enjoying tea properly, there is meditation, contemplation, self-awareness, and understanding to help us realize the way, which is the Tao. Ceremony here is finding a way, Tea Ceremony culture is the culture that helps people enjoy tea and find their own way.
As I write these lines, it is tea that helps me find a way to develop the tea industry for Vietnam and pulls in other industries such as packaging industry, ceramic industry, furniture industry, and furniture industry. , tourism industry, calligraphy painting, real estate eco-tea. That path, tea cannot go alone, but must go with related supporting industries. We have special advantages in terms of geographical location, climate zone, geology and soil to develop raw material areas. Besides, globalization, investment and international trade help us to absorb the world’s processing technologies. The quintessence of world processing technology has been absorbed by us to bring world-class tea products from traditional local tea plants.
The path of Vietnamese Tea Ceremony was created, illuminated and led by the Vietnamese culture itself. Only towards Vietnamese culture can we find a way to develop Vietnamese tea, then we have Vietnamese Tea.
For a long time, we have developed the economy with the concept that we must have production resources, means of production, specifically capital. So why now we have all those factors and still can’t develop Vietnamese tea? Because we lack cultural light, without it, tea will forever be just a natural drink, a herb and simply sold at a cheap price to foreign traders, so that we have to buy back the finished product after processing at an expensive price hundreds to thousands of times and then we are the messengers to communicate for their brand.
Domestic tea is not processed, just preliminary processing with sketchy packaging, no special features, let alone conveying messages or conveying other noble values.
The use value and exchange value of tea is the basic factor that helps tea form an industry, cultural values help us to turn tea into a cultural messenger, transmit values that other products cannot do. Tea can be combined with many other drinks and penetrates into every country, every territory, every culture. We more than 6 billion people globally may be different on many things but easily share a cup of tea and from there can have understanding, sharing and creating solutions for each other. I call it the Culture of Love & Compassion.